Friday, November 30, 2007

Line 93

What is Dante perplexed by?


Anonymous said...

He is perplexed by all that he has seen in Hell. He is perplexed because he does no want to be stuck there for eternity and knows he must become a better follower of the straight path to God.

Anonymous said...

I also think he is perplexed by the fact that he doesn't really know if he is in a dream or why he is on this journey.

Anonymous said...

I believe that he is perplexed by the complexness of his journey. I mean, just think about it--he is traveling through nine layers of hell with a dead writer who can't get out of there, as well as three ladies who see him off further, one of which was his childhood love, and meeting his maker. It sounds like he's on an acid trip.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Dante is perplexed by his journey at this time, I think he's insisting that the reader thinks he is perplexed. He was just on top of Satan, but as he climbed out he saw that Satan actually had his feet up. This could throw readers off and think he failed and now has to start over, but Dante knows he hasn't failed.